This is a simulator for actions in Arbor in the game Fallen London.


These affect all the simulations below.

Passive Grinds

These are done opportunistically, using 9 actions each time the card is drawn. (One to enter, 7 for your allotted Permission to Linger, and one to leave.)

Spy on London's Embassy in Near Arbor (North)

A simple grind where you just spam the same action. Requires Watchful 125 for full success. Don't double-count the Echoes and the Extraordinary Implications reported here; the EIs are already factored in to the income.

Build Attar to convert via Gift your Attar in tribute to the Roseate Queen

The next three all follow the same basic principle: Use the chosen action in Near Arbor to build Attar to 5 (or more), when you are forcibly moved to Far Arbor. Then continue to build Attar using the given method, until finally converting it all using Gift your Attar in tribute to the Roseate Queen. Because the conversion has a rare success that converts all remaining Attar at once, when doing large enough batches the cost of movement and conversion is negligible, and the efficiency approaches that of the chosen action loop. However, the profits are deferred, whereas with spying they are immediate. Note that Surrendering also pays some of its profit immediately, in the form of Extraordinary Implications.

The following action will be used to gain Attar in Near Arbor:

The following action will be used to gain Attar in Far Arbor:

Active Grinds

It used to be possible to actively grind in Arbor, using Investigate the Near-Arbori, to trade Extraordinary Implications for Permission to Linger. In July 2020 that action was changed, and it is no longer possible to gain Permission to Linger.